Unit 36 Internet Server Management

Unit 36 Internet Server Management Assignment

Purpose of this assignment

To enable learners to implement and manage secure internet technologies for networking systems.


Digital Seminars Limited (DSL) is a popular service provider for website based online seminars commonly known as “webinars”. They help their clients to conduct and broadcast live webinars to large audiences. Later they also maintain archived audio/video of broadcasted webinars available on client’s request. You are recently hired by DSL for the position of Web Server Manager to provide web services planning, installations, configurations and management of their Web Server that will be used to broadcast webinars and host archived webinars carried out by their clients.

You will be responsible for leading and performing Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Web Server Planning, Installation, Configuration and Administration, as well as to provide Operational Support. You will also be expected to engage in day to day technical support and administration of the technology infrastructure, maintaining high quality of services to the clients of DSL.

Task 1 Understand internet technologies

1.1 Critically evaluate different internet technologies and marketing communication protocols
1.2 Critically compare different internet services and internetworking servers
1.3 Discuss network management concerns and make recommendations to sustain network security, reliability & performance

Task 2 Understand internet server architectures

2.1 Critically analyse different internet server technologies and their performance
2.2 Explain the hardware and software components of an internet server

Task 3 Be able to implement internet server and services

3.1 Produce a system specification to meet a given requirement
3.2 Evaluate the suitability of internet server components
3.3 Build and configure an internet server including services to meet a given requirement
3.4 Critically review and test an internet server

Task 4 Be able to manage internet server and services

4.1 Install and manage websites and services to meet a given requirement
4.2 Implement secure network access to meet a given requirement
4.3 Monitor and troubleshoot an internet server and services
4.4 Critically evaluate the performance of an internet server

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