Child Development, Observation, and Assessment

Child Development, Observation,

Child Development Stages

Observations are an essential aspect of an early childhood educator's daily routine. Most childcare providers are aware of the need for observation, but do they realize why it is so important? Early childhood education is not as easy as it seems; it is a lot more than mere teaching kids about the curriculum subjects. It is also about imparting education morally and socially in order to make students into successful human beings. Educators have a critical role in assisting children in meeting developmental milestones, and observation is one of the most effective ways for educators to understand more about each kid they deal with.

Observation is frequently regarded as one of the most basic yet efficient methods of assessing the development of young children. For an early childhood educator, observing a child begins with noting how the child acts, learns, reacts to new situations, and interacts with others. An instructor then uses the knowledge to construct activities that promote growth.

Why do we keep track of children's growth?

When a teacher takes a step back and observes a child in their care, they might have a greater understanding of the youngster's strengths and limitations. Educators' programming can assist improve the atmosphere and facilitate learning by using observations.

Observing a child's behavior can lead to:

- Assist an educator in gaining a better grasp of why a child is acting out.

- Determine any particular requirements.

- Improve your understanding of the child

- Keeps a check on increasing skills. 

- This graphic depicts the child's communication style.

- Take a look at how they engage with their peers.

The focus of observation is on how the youngster got there rather than the product the child utilized. Observe and reflect, document and gather information, plan and execute, and ultimately, appraise are the steps in the observation process.

Child Development Stages 

The "After Birth Development" Of A Child Is Divided Into Seven Stages

When compared to the prenatal stage, the child's postnatal development is lengthier. The seven developmental stages that every kid goes through before becoming an adult are listed below.

First Stage: The First Stage of Mindset Development in a Newborn

From the day of the baby's birth until the 28th day of his or her life, the baby is in this stage. The active growth of analyzers, particularly visual, the beginning of movement coordination development, the construction of conditioned reflexes, and the occurrence of visual, tactile, and emotional interaction with the mother are all characteristics of this stage.

At the age of three weeks, many children begin to respond to communication with a grin and happy facial expressions, which can be regarded as the start of the kid's mental life and the time when the child begins to sense parents.

Second Stage:Early Childhood - Second Stage of Mindset Development

The child's adaptability to his intrauterine existence, as well as his intensely physical, nervous-mental, motor, and cerebral development, characterize this stage. The rate of physical development begins to decline after the fourth month.

As the toddler sits, stands, and moves from complete motor helplessness to independent walking and object handling, he learns motor abilities. He develops neuropsychiatrically as a result of his regular contact with grownups.

At this age, a child's speech develops and he pronounces his first words (about 10 words). It is around this point that parents begin to use basic homeschooling, mindset development technologies, and a variety of resources to assist their children in their growth.

Third Stage: Infancy to the Third Stage of Mindset Development

It lasts a year and a half until the baby reaches the age of three. At this age, motor abilities such as walking, running, climbing, and jumping are all quickly growing. During this time, parents can teach their children job skills through a variety of activities.

With a very weak ability to handle both good and negative emotions, the emotional sphere reaches its pinnacle. As a result, parents should avoid reacting emotionally to their children's outbursts. They should teach him how to assess a situation without endangering his health or the health of others.

The ability of a child to grasp and remember information increases dramatically during infancy, going from 10 to 30 words. It can prove to be super beneficial if the habit of learning little poems has been inculcated in this stage of development.

Fourth Stage: Preschool Age – Fourth Stage of Mindset Development

It begins at the age of three and lasts until the age of five or six. During this time, memory improves significantly, and gaming activities become more challenging.

The development of speech (vocabulary enrichment) and attention must be given specific emphasis. At this age, children are not capable of sustained concentration.

Fifth Stage: 5th Stage of Mindset Development in Junior High School

This stage lasts between five and six years and eleven years. As they begin to learn in school, this is a watershed period for children. They continue to expand their vocabulary, learn to write, cut objects, draw objects with crisp, even edges, and make numerous mistakes before mastering new skills.

This stage is also marked by the development of focus abilities and the ability to hold the program for subsequent action, as well as foresight consequences, which is crucial for the training process.

Sixth Stage: Secondary School Age – The Sixth Stage of Mindset Development

It lasts between 11 and 14 years. At this age, the child's body and mind are fully formed, allowing him or her to gain muscle strength and perform complicated coordinated movements and logical operations.

Nervous system alterations characterize this stage, which frequently results in incorrect emotions, emotional instability, and obstinacy in children. As a result, support for parents dealing with stress and mental challenges is especially crucial at this time. From the level of specialized operations to the level of formal thinking activities, cognitive talents progress.

Seventh Stage: 7th Stage of Mindset Development in High School

It lasts between 15 and 18 years. The richest potential for movement development, growth in the mobility of nerve processes in the cerebral cortex, and enhanced emotionality are the most distinctive elements of this stage of a child's development. The child is full of vitality, emotional experiences, and the desire to participate in everything throughout this era of growth. Because it involves the creation of volition, consciousness, and morality, this is also the most difficult stage of psychological development. He also displays extreme judgments and acts, as well as conflict and a craving for social approval.

Child Development Training Consortium

The Child Development Training Consortium (CDTC) provides students and professionals working with and for children with services, training, technical help, and resources. As a result, this contributes to the advancement of professionalism and high-quality early care and education services for children and families.  

Each Consortium college appoints a Campus Administrator to manage the CDTC program's implementation on their respective campuses. Required courses are offered off-campus, on weekends, online, in accelerated time frames, and in languages other than English at participating CDTC colleges. To determine how best to satisfy student needs with CDTC funding, each participating school consults with a local Advisory Committee that includes representatives from all program kinds.


Bringing this information back to parents and working with them directly to ensure that the child is supported both at home and in the school is the final step in the observation process. Hold sessions with parents to discuss not only any current challenges or problems but also to plan their child's future aspirations. A child can be very successful if they have an excellent working relationship with their parents. 

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