How Organisational Behaviour Effects Business Environment

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How Organisational Behaviour Effects Business Environment

Organisation operates with variety of changes that are to be adjusted with while operating business. Ever changing environment make continues impact on the operations or activities that business organisation undertakes. Organisational behaviour changes with the change in priorities and with the change in its objectives to be achieved. Complexity and pace of development are parallel variables for the organisation that are operating in the ever changing environment. Requirement of new skills, new technologies and new product development needs new shape of manager in terms of mindset, abilities and skills in order to cope with changing business environment. Rapid development in information technology also contributed towards change in organisational behaviour and has increase requirement of more competence in leaders or managers.

Organisational Behaviour

Organisation performs its operations in open system i.e. they interact with external environment and get influenced or can influence environment in terms of its operations. There are various sub-systems or internal systems in the business organisation that are to be managed by leaders. Effective management of these sub-systems will lead towards satisfying need of variety of stakeholders who influences internal and external environment. Therefore with the change in the operating environment there is requirement of change in the practices that leaders undertakes i.e. new techniques are to be evolved for today and for future.

Learning is the common factor in all the ages in which organisation operates. Learning perspective of the organisation is one of the deciding factors for the organisation in terms of success and failure of business operations. Organisation shall be capable of acquiring, sharing, using and storing knowledge that is required for the business operations. Organisation is required to make stock and manage flow of information within organisation. Learning process of organisation includes knowledge acquisition, knowledge sharing, and knowledge use and knowledge storage. This has moved organisation towards building competitive advantage in the knowledge based economy. Therefore this has changed relationship between employee and employer i.e. employees are now included in decision making process, employees are showing more commitment towards work, etc.

One of the debateable issue arise is whether Management is a Profession or it is separate set of skills that embodies various factors and capabilities. It is answered by many writers that although management (managers, leaders etc) and professionals (doctors, lawyers, etc) has same social status but they are different in terms of their working status. On the basic of their studies and practices both are different from each other i.e. in order to become professional there are separate set of knowledge that are required to be acquired and passed through. On the other hand, although there is business education for management that only develops and polishes skills and capabilities of business management. There are some code of conduct and code of ethics for professionals that are required to be followed while discharging their duties. Professionals certify some facts and figures on the basis of acquired knowledge and experience. Management manages business affairs or they are involved in integration of various sets or various sections of business operations.