In an organization, the potential skills and capacity of each employee plays a significant role where the manpower planning is considered as the most important process. It is completely dependent on determining the requirements of the organization and tries to put in all the efforts that could lead towards the success.
Through research and facts, it is proved that the positive development of a business or the organization can be developed through the effective business planning. The effective planning process includes the arrangements and the preparations made on the basis of the expectations and imaginations which could results in the tasks performance in the most organized and capable methods.
This process is all under the planning and the designing actions of the organizational structures with the help of responsibility assignments to the employees that is based on the accomplishment of the objectives set and prepared by the business organizations.
For a business, it is important that the right person is recruited at the right time for the right place. This concept basically includes the comprehensive and wide range of number of activities that are directly related to the management of man, without considering man power planning at the same time. It is focused on the effective and efficient use of different human element present in the organization that helps in the fulfillment of various manpower needs of the organization based on the situations when it is required.
The process of revealing and understanding the actual requirement of manpower and various means that helps in the fulfillment of those requirements by making use of the integrated plan designed by the organization is known as manpower planning. Manpower planning is fundamental for every particular organization so that it can perform its activities effectively and efficiently that helps in the production of desired results.
It should be possible that the development of the organization along with it success is considered as highly competitive for keeping the business as it is. Manpower planning is counted as the most important function of the human resource management of the organization. It helps in managing the maintenance of the business goodwill by providing value to the man, material, machine and money.
Also, it undertakes the development of an organization along with the success of the business that can be achieved from the talent, knowledge, skills and experience of the employees working in an organization. It is in direct relation with both the effective recruitment and selection process so that the skilled workers that are working in an organization can be made available to the business or the organization, whenever it requires. Manpower planning plays an important role in the contribution of the buiness or organizational objectives achievement due to the various reasons that is necessary for the process.
There are many factors that help to drive the required planning of manpower by the organizations. It is necessary in the special situations when the overall performance of the labor is analyzed and it becomes difficult to change it. There were cases when the employees that have grown old were replaced by the similar match or the ones who got old and fall into bed due to some serious health conditions including mental disorders, weakness, illness, injury or any other medical conditions that could create some kind of disturbance to both the body and the mind of an employee.
The effective execution of manpower allows the analysis of both present and future required vacancies. These types of situations occur when the employee gets the transfer, promotion to higher positions or they get retired. It also deals with certain other kinds of situation or cases when the employee avail some leave or they are absent due to some condition.
Business organization requires personal possess including experience and qualifications that can be accomplished only though the man power planning process. It is so because the tasks assigned could be carried out in a best possible way. For moving the skilled manpower to a specific activity or area, the identification of both surplus and shortage of employees is essential so that extra employees could be provided in the case of manpower shortage.
There are some of the important tasks that are related with the manpower planning are demand, supply and audit of actual manpower. The planning should be made according to the analysis of required total manpower. So, there is a great need of the supply of man power which can be fulfilled with both ways including internal and external.
When the employees are transferred or promoted, the need of internal supply appears, but the need of external supply arrives when the business is expanding, changing its technology or adopts some new production methods and there is a huge requirement of the new and skilled workers. The process covers the auditing of man power which can be carried out through skills inventory. With this, the detailed information is encompassed about each employee.
It consist of the activity where the overall value of an employee of the organization can be determined and analyzed by the involvement of various factors analysis including the type of workers that needed to be hired, the good, better or bad remuneration, etc. By making the emphasis on the skilled workers, the audit of the man power helps in the analysis of various factors that helps in adding the interest of the employees so that they could leave the current job and move somewhere so that the necessary measures could be taken to lead the maximum human resources utilization.
Man power planning plays a significant role for both the employees as well as the organizations. For undertaking the proper and accurate methods of recruitment, the implementation of appropriate selection procedures for the right candidate or for the preservation of real talent of the employees should be made. It lays great emphasis on various training and development programs that are planned for the employee’s engagement in their activities and requisites related to their job.
It is completely focused on various promotional procedures that are meant for the skilled and challenged people so that they can perform advanced tasks currently. Through the process of man power planning, the inefficiencies of the employees are observed which is very important for the provided training. It should always remain as the morale of the employees. It results in the improvement of productivity. This will allow the great contribution of the overall development of the organization along with success of as business that is entirely or completely dependent up on the quantity or quality of human resources.
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