Are you looking for a part-time job? Part time jobs allow a person or a candidate to generate and develop variety of skills to prepare you for becoming more employable. Planning in your career will enable you to search and use maximum long-term career benefits through your work. If you are already working as a part-time employee, try to use possible benefits or if you do not have, try your efforts to get it. This is considered as the real-world experience which increases your ability to search part-time work which could be directly relevant to the aspirations in regards with future career of the candidate.
Skills appreciated in part-time job – Part time jobs always helps in developing some kind of skills, make it attractive for the employers and opens up new career paths for a candidate. It also enables a person to work out at a place where their strengths are lying.
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Part time jobs |
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Practical experiences through punctuality and reliability |
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Initiatives and strong work ethics
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Focus and accuracy through repetitive tasks by reflecting resilience and self-discipline
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Defines your personality that you are grounded, rounded and motivated
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Team-working, communication, coping under pressure
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Useful experience of office systems and software
Got a part-time job already? Make the most of it. Most of the employers are willing to select a candidate who can walk extra miles for their career through part-time jobs. They are in great search of methods through which they can increase their revenue, improve efficiency, and reduce costs and suggestions for professional development and marketing opportunity. Therefore, a candidate must be well prepared for different challenges like keeping a record and organizing meetings or aiming for higher level of responsibility.
How can you choose a part-time job that will help you in your career? A candidate can explore and take a strategic approach by looking for a position that could provide possible chances of getting a foot on the ladder in the specifically chosen profession. For instance, if you are interested working in hospitality, a job in a restaurant or bar could suits you best, but if you want your career in retail, then getting a shop job could be the best option.
Fig. 1.1 Method of Choosing Part-Time Job
Parameters involved in the selection of part time jobs
1. Money – This resource could help you to add some hope in the inadequate pocket money or in other words, it helps in providing relief to the students. With the advent of time, the cost of education is constantly increasing due to which performing a part time job has become essential especially for international students. In outside countries, this source is considered as additional income which could help students to pay their rent, tuition fees or buying a crate of beer to indulge in the excited weekends.
2. Glimpse of Working Life – A student can get a glimpse of their working life through part time jobs. It helps them to perform better in their routine jobs and get maximum benefits. They can also decide whether to pursue entrepreneurship after completing their course or not. Part time jobs help the students to learn some skills which could be helpful for a longer run.
Read Also, Ways to Fund Overseas Education
3. Be organized – The juggling between two jobs at a time, studies and social life teach the students to manage resources and time. There are students who are performing part time jobs just to organize their lives. It might be difficult in the beginning but ends with something good that could help you in a longer run.
4. Working Together – A research has been conducted which shows that most of the students are not aware whether they like to working in a team or alone. Part time working in a job helps the students to understand different dynamics of working with a team and analyze whether it is their forte or not.
5. Professionalism – Students all over the world are willing to increase their skill sets and high range of professionalism, no matter which industry they are choosing. For instance, during the graduation studies, a final year student of business studies can develop other skills also.
Fig. 1.2 Professionalism in Part Time Job
6. Enjoyment – Students during their studies are willing to look for adventure. For many students, the job that pays to have fun is highly preferable.
7. Make Contacts – Under the relevant and dynamic industries, most of the students wanted to increase their network with people. Students can meet different kinds of people during their work in a specific industry, usually in part time job cases. There are more chances that students while performing part time jobs can land to a permanent job.
8. Adjustable Timings – A research has been conducted which shows that part time jobs always remains second priority for the students, as their first priority is academics and their education to apply for the permanent job. Therefore, students always search for part time jobs so that they can juggle between their jobs and studies. There are various types of employment opportunities available for international students in Australia, some of them are volunteering, casual jobs or internships.
9. Expected remuneration - How much a student can earn from a part-time job? International students expect to get their wages once in a week or 14 days, if they are working part time. It is completely dependent upon the understanding made between the employer and an employee. When an average student works part time, the average gross wage is expected to count up to AUS$15 per hour. This might vary according to various factors like your work experience, your working location or skilled and non-skilled work, etc.
Under such case, on behalf of part time employment of an employee, the employer has to pay superannuation and tax. Based on the student visa, an international student is allowed maximum 20 hours of paid work per week during their academic sessions while during the annual or a session break, he/she can work full time on a work visa.
An international student can consider following parameters if they wanted to work part time, willingly or forcefully with pressure, during their academic sessions. During this phase, they have to face various challenges which could help them to develop higher level skills for the longer run.
If you have any query regarding performing part time jobs outside the country or within the country (in special cases), feel free to contact at
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this post are that of the author and not those of locusassignments
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