Students while running in their graduation days can act smart with their money. You can save your lifetime pain and debt, if you will start saving money and become responsible from the same moment. For most of the students, College is the most challenging and exciting undertaking. Living on your own, managing your own finances and making decisions for you can be the biggest obstruction, a student might face. Preparing a plan and following it closely can help you to ensure the survival of transition with less possible stress. During the college years, students should build a strong financial foundation.
In order to gain the college experience, managing your funds and money can be the great source and technique. For this, there are different tools required by a student in order to start college on the right financial foot. There are some personal finances tips for college students, they must follow. Under mentioned are some:
1. Create a Budget - Students in high school are carefree and frequently spend all of their money from their bank accounts and living off their parent’s generosity. But when they moved to the college years, this budget has become crucial for them. It is important for every person to look at the finances of your children, whether he/she is spending too much or not. Observe their different fields of income by including income from their job or money from different grants, loans and different types of financial aid. Students must be aware of categorizing their expenses, as you cannot force your child to stick to a same budget. Therefore, you must have a clear picture of what is affordable and what is not.
If you and your child have gone beyond your budget, you must talk on making smart money choices within your budget. For instance, you can help your child to navigate low-cost and free social activities like city-sponsored events, outdoor concerts and adventure trips sponsored by the school. A parent must ensure that their children are running on track in terms of finances, but you must let your freshman remain in charge.
2. Use Online Services – There are better options available than sitting down and go over finances in an excel spreadsheet. Instead, you must use smartphone application or online service that makes money management convenient and easy. There are various applications like Mint that allows money management for college students. It enables the uploading of expense information and bank account by the users so that they can manage their account at one place. This allows the easy access to the budget and ensures fewer missed penalties and payments along with the easy access to account balances. Moreover, the money management applications allow the online banking services for online money transfer and best use of mobile deposit.
3. Minimize Student Debt – There are different ways that helps to reduce the debt of the students, some of them are as follows:
a. Spend on the Right Things – Temptation is the most powerful thing which influences a student to use their financial aid in order to fund their mid night pizza. It is important to use your debt wisely. In some cases, loans might look like free money, but it will bite you in future. Students must have the guidance of what is and what is not good to spend money especially in the case of taking loan.
b. Borrow Only What’s Required – Every student does not have fully funded college trust. If you are bearing any kind of loan, the amount is comparable with the available type of salary once a degree is obtained. Taking out funds for your campus lifestyle beyond your basic needs seems important, but could be a serious problem later.
c. Fund Extras with a Job – Instead of taking student loans, you can done your part-time job and fund into the social life. Students can get their flexibility through work-study positions along with the requirement of convenience of locations, as the off-campus positions pay more frequently. You can pay for policies that offer nonessential purchases that do not really pay for them later.
d. Funnel Extra Earnings to Loan Payments – A student can add extra loan payments by using funds from a part time job or from monetary gifts in order to pay down the debt of students. You can save your money in long-term interests.
4. Look for Student Discounts – The educational status of college students can be helpful in saving money as they have various different ways to explore it. Students can get the discounts from the services near college campuses, local venues, vendors and restaurants in order to save money during first year. With such discounts, students can learn down hunting good deals and doing bargaining that can manage their budget and finance.
5. Take Care with Credit Cards – Most of the credit card companies are on running on top due to its influential strategies offered. Usually, they prey on inexperienced and new candidates that are excited about the prospects of easy money. In such cases, candidates become careless by racking up late fees, credit cards and high interest payments. These types of companies are mostly college centric an offers promises or temptations like free college swag or concert tickets.
For this, you can make a role under which if they need a credit card, the two of you can choose the best one together. You can also talk about the benefits or negative points, it offers by setting up reasonable and low spending limit and look for other cards that could further offer rewards in the form of points and cash back. There might be a case where your child wanted to use a debit card while in the college. This arises if their bank does not allow a large overdraft. In this case, you can turn off your overdraft protection so that you will not be slammed with an overdraft fees. Also, you can prepare a debit card while at home.
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6. Set Financial Limits – In order to curb the first year spending, you can propose financial limits for unnecessary items. You need to set your spending limits that will prevent you for making impulse purchases like iPhone is necessary or not. When it comes to spending power, setting up low limits can work. The addition of non-essential money into the budget of a student helps to separate essential expenses like food and gas. You cannot spend all your time in hanging out, it is important to stick to the plan and remind a candidate about its importance. If your student is strapped of cash, you can reduce your load by sending a care package with non-perishable food and prepaid gas card to the campus.
7. Avoid Full-Price Textbooks – Textbooks are considered as the budget breaker for college students. Some of the tutors update and changes the texts practically as the large majority of students use same textbooks year after year. The students are not required to find hundreds of shops for books before their class. There are various different ways that helps students to save money on college textbooks like searching for posts based on campus bulletins and shopping on Amazon or Ebay. Also, there are many textbooks available on rent through the contribution by schools. They also organize various rental programs that could help students to save money and space.
Unless it is very necessary, your students must keep themselves away from the campus bookstore where prices are likely to be the highest. Most of the professors added suggested materials to the book list which does not require a candidate to pass. It is important for the candidate to look over his/her syllabus in order to find out necessary texts form the suggested one. When the school year is done, a student must sell their used textbooks to other who are in need of the same or are in the following semester. Online book retailers, school bookstores and social media sites help to advertise textbooks for sale. Candidates can recoup their cash spent on buying books, making it available to pay down the loans, add to the savings for the next semester and paying off credit card debt.
8. Protect Personal Information – When we talk about the theft identification, college students are the most oblivious to the crime. A research has been conducted which shows that the demographic between 18-24 has the highest risk in identifying theft. The average individual from theft demographic took around 132 days to report and detect the fraud. Students should understand the importance of keeping their information private. Most of the things like giving a password to your friend, providing social security unnecessary numbers, leaving personal documents lying around and open up the platforms to identify the thefts.
In order to catch the theft, students must check their credit and bank accounts on regular basis by reporting suspicious activity immediately. The identification of available services allows the monthly fees not to fit in the college budget of a student. A student must pay attention to their accounts by suggesting their order based on the credit report form different reporting bureaus. However, the argument for identity security service allows the students to think about their identity that has already been compromised.
When a student starts their graduation days, they are not only entering the new era but also identifies whether the financial training and advice has really paid off or not. No person make perfect financial decision, you need to laid out the solid foundation training that is important in the first year to understand in order to avoid the financial mistakes. For more, feel free to contact
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this post are that of the author and not those of Locus Assignment
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