Unit 9 Tourist Destinations UK Assignment

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Unit 9 Tourist Destinations UK Assignment
Unit 9 Tourist Destinations UK Assignment


The Tourist destinations UK assignment report has been prepared for an organisation created by the Mayor of London, Greater London Assembly to promote the new tourism destination, “Whitechapel”. The report provides an understanding on the scope of key UK and worldwide tourist destinations, features, characteristics and issues influencing the tourist destinations as a benchmark to promote Whitechapel, and to lure part of the revenue generated in London (UK). Thus the report identifies

  • Main tourist destinations and generators of the world in terms of visitor numbers and income generation
  • Analysis to determine tourism destination trends and to predict future trends for London
  • Analysis of cultural, social and physical features of the new tourist destination – Whitechapel and explaining their appeal to tourist
  • The appeal of current leading tourist destination, London (UK) in comparison to the currently developing tourist destination, Whitechapel
  • Issues that affect the popularity of the leading tourist destinations
  • The potential for responsible tourism to enhance the host community

The report thus is the basis for understanding the scope of key UK and worldwide tourist destinations, understand the cultural tourism, social and physical features of tourist destinations, understand how the characteristics of destinations affect their appeal to tourists, and understand issues likely to affect the popularity of tourist destinations. For this purpose the two other destinations that have been selected are Liverpool and York. These two have been quite popular amongst the tourists and thus would highlight the key parameters associated with tourism.

Task 1

A) Main tourist destinations and generators of the world in terms of visitor numbers and income generation.

The data has been studied with respect to market comparisons, purpose of journey and the growth of major markets. It has been observed that the main destinations for UK are European nations. This is because of the proximity as well as the business relations that the country is having with the European nations. Further UK is the super power in the region and thus is quite influential. Lastly UK is the leading business nation of the world and thus plays a significant role in the global business environment which boosts the business tourists. This aspect has been highlighted by the data wherein it has been seen that the major factor contributing to the tourism in UK is leisure and business trips. It has been seen that France majorly contribute to the economy in terms of the members and the income generated by the tourists.

B) Statistics to determine tourism destination trends for the THREE destinations, and predict future trends for the London (UK).

Based on the data that has been provided, the analysis has been made for market comparisons, purpose of journey and the growth of major markets. As per the data that is available it can be said that the major factor contributing to the tourism in UK is leisure and business trips. Further it has been observed that the European nations have been the major income generators for the tourist destinations of the country. However the growth has been highest for the South American nations. Apart from this the share of USA and the countries in Asian and pacific region also have significant contribution. Another important factors is that the small markets for UK have been the developing countries. The major reason for this is the high exchange rate and the high inflation in UK as compared to their countries. This is one of the major factors as it will be the developing nations that will be having influence on the UK market as the various factors such as globalisation, saturation in the developed nation markets and financial imbalances will certainly result in the downfall in the share of European nations in the travel and tourism industry in UK.

Task 2

A) Cultural, social and physical features of Whitechapel

This section of the report provides an analysis of the cultural, social and physical features of the new tourist destination. The cultural features of tourist destinations refer to the attributes associated with historical background of the city. The cultural features of the city that are quite important in terms of attracting the tourists are its contemporary signs associated with medical and commercial establishment reminding the development so far since WWI and WWII traces, and the impact of London blitz of 1939-1944. The second important feature of the culture of Whitechapel is food. Lastly the demography which is dominated by the Bangladesh immigrants is important factor however overall the population is quite diversified.

The physical features that appeal the tourists include infrastructure, transport network and Safety & security. In terms of infrastructure there are several hotels of varying ratings in the city to cater the needs of the travellers. Further the transport facility, both intra city and inter-city, is quite good as Whitechapel is only 10 miles away from the Heart of London, and could be reached in 10-15 minutes train journey or by 30-40 minutes by bus on a non-rush traffic day. The city also has access to two airports, with International Access, and within 30-45 minutes reach. Lastly in terms of safety and security, several considerations have been given to encourage tourists to visit the city (Penrose, 2010). Although the location is quite important and does provide strategic advantage, this aspect is impacted by the demography and thus further contribution needs to be there to encourage tourist to visit the city.

The study of the social factor includes the features such as quality of life, literacy level and role of women & children. The quality of life in Whitechapel has been normal and remained poor throughout the first half of the twentieth century. This was primarily due to the impact of the world wars. However since then the city has developed tremendously and the museums related to art work have come up (Beyrouty & Tessler, 2013). The people in the region are oriented towards art work and this is the main occupation of the people in this region. Women and children thus contribute to the employment and thus have a balanced social life. Although there aren’t much institutes in the region but the museums and art galleries have been developed. For example the Whitechapel art gallery is one of the most considerable works. Thus the social life of the city is quite stable and harmonious after the initial racist attacks on the Bangladeshi people who dominate the region (Glinert, 2000).

B) Comparing identified features of Whitechapel against other two world leading tourist destination

The comparison of Whitechapel with Liverpool and York might not be correct as York and Liverpool had been quite important cities and has contributed to history of UK as well as has been very important from the perspective of geographical presence. Considering York, the city has a rich heritage (Liverpool City Council, 2003). Further the city has been the home to many sporting activities. The majority of the population is of white British. Further the transport facilities in the region are very efficient and have very good connectivity with other important cities within UK and also a few international countries. Lastly based on its location and the assets available various entertainment events and sites have been developed. For example York city has two sailing clubs which is one of the tourist attractions of the city. Thus over the period of time York city has developed itself into one of the important tourist destinations in UK.

Liverpool is one of the metropolitan cities of UK. The city is known for its rich architectural heritage with several areas of the city being granted the World heritage Site status. The ethnicity of Liverpool is mix of White British, Asians and also Black British. The city is of huge importance to UK as it is house for two core economies (Beyrouty & Tessler, 2013). The service sector dominates the economy of the city. In terms of tourism it is the 6th most visited city of UK. This is not only because of the heritage of the city but also the international importance of the city as well as the development of transport, infrastructure and the tourist sites. The city has been the manufacturing base and the headquarters of many shipping lines of the world. The transport facility of the city connects it to major cities across UK and thus isn’t a huge bottleneck for the tourist. Apart from this the local transport is also quite well developed. Overall the Liverpool has mix of every aspect that can generate tourism for the city (Glinert, 2000).

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Task 3

A) Comparing the appeal of current leading tourist destination, London (UK) with that of currently developing tourist destination, Whitechapel.

There is little evidence that the appeal of York and Liverpool as tourist destination is lower than Whitechapel. However the comparison has to be made based on different parameters and the opportunities that may be there. This is to say that the consideration that is being given to Whitechapel is because the development of the region is required. However considering the physical, cultural as well as the social factors Whitechapel needs to be developed a lot more and much contribution is required from the government as well as the city inhabitants. As per the data that is available it can be said that the major factor contributing to the tourism in UK is leisure and business trips. In case of York and Liverpool, the advantage was that the sites were there that didn’t require much development. Such advantage is not there with Whitechapel. Secondly from the perspective of business, there isn’t much scope in Whitechapel and also it is quite new to the business world. This aspect is in favour of Liverpool and York. There aren’t much opportunities in Whitechapel and thus on this front as well there has not been much growth. These aspects have to be considered and suitable business strategy and development of the city is required. Another important point is that there is huge scope for growth of tourism in Whitechapel as there are certain aspects which can be quite beneficial and assist in the development of tourism.

B) How the identified characteristics of Whitechapel affect its appeal

The features of various factors i.e. cultural, social and physical factors are central to the appeal that is there for the tourists. . There aren’t much opportunities in Whitechapel and thus on this front as well there has not been much growth. One of the aspect that is favourable for Whitechapel is the location. The city is quite close to London and thus there will be a lot of opportunities. In case certain industries or companies are established in the region, the tourist visiting the city will increase and would be continuous. Further the sites such as associated with entertainment may be developed that will encourage the tourists visiting London to visit the Whitechapel city as well. Such entertainment sites will attract the visitors. The sites associated with world wars that are in the city need to be improved and the entertainment sites associated with world war can be developed. Further since the city is associated more with art, the institutes may be developed in the area of art. In this way the tourist related to the studies will grow and thus the tourism in the city will be developed.

Task 4

A) Issues that affect the popularity of TWO leading tourist destinations identified above.

The two destinations, York and Liverpool that have been discussed above, highlight that the two cities have been amongst the most favoured tourist destinations of UK. However there are certain aspects that need to be considered and the suitable changes have to be brought about in order to maintain the attractiveness and the appeal of the two cities that is there.

Firstly the cities have strong heritage and which is one of the reasons for the tourists visiting the cities. Thus it is very important that the heritage of the cities is conserved. However there is lack of funding to conserve the historic environment. This has resulted in huge challenge to maintain the cultural heritage (Liverpool City Council, 2003). Second important factor is lack of appropriate maintenance of heritage resource. This factor has resulted in degradation of the sites and the resources. This factor is quite closely related to the availability of the funds. However it has been seen that the contribution of the available funds in the conservation of heritage resources is quite low. Thus the maintenance of the heritage resources is another important factor that is not quite effectively followed in these cities (Liverpool City Council, 2003). Thirdly, there have not been new developments in the city. The primary reason for this is that the opportunities are quite limited. The cities are already quite developed and the scope is limited (Sinclair, 2014). However it is important to understand that the limited growth and the creation of new opportunities lead to the saturation in the tourism market which overall creates obstacles in sustainability of the level of contribution the tourism has to the economy of the city (Deloitte, 2013).

B) Potential for responsible tourism to enhance the host community at the TWO worldwide tourist destinations.

It is very important that the steps are taken in order to create interest in the tourists to visit the city. In case of York and Liverpool it is important to understand that, as discussed above, the scope is quite limited. Thus the cities can concentrate on organizing events and live shows which may be associated with sport or music concerts or business events. Such events will certainly be a huge boost for the city that is already quite developed. Further the expansion of the city beyond its boundaries by associating with the nearby areas and creating leisure trip is another way in which the tourism in the city can be boosted (Deloitte, 2013).

Both the aspects that have been discussed above can be quite beneficial and also needs a lot of marketing planning as these can be having long term perspective and the financial sustainability can be achieved if there is long term perspective. The business events or other entertainment shows that have been planned will be periodic and thus will certainly create opportunities in the long run which may not only be direct but also contribute indirectly to the economy.


The Tourist destinations UK assignment report has been prepared for an organisation created by the Mayor of London, Greater London Assembly to promote the new tourism destination, “Whitechapel”. The report provides an understanding on the scope of key UK and worldwide tourist destinations, features, characteristics and issues influencing the tourist destinations as a benchmark to promote Whitechapel, and to lure part of the revenue generated in London (UK). Based on the various factors that have been discussed in the report it can be said that the consideration that is being given to Whitechapel is because the development of the region is required. However considering the physical, cultural as well as the social factors Whitechapel needs to be developed a lot more and much contribution is required from the government as well as the city inhabitants. It is important to understand that the limited growth and the creation of new opportunities lead to the saturation in the tourism market which overall creates obstacles in sustainability of the level of contribution the tourism has to the economy of Liverpool and York. Thus with respect to Whitechapel the sites such as associated with entertainment may be developed that will encourage the tourists visiting London to visit the Whitechapel city as well. Such entertainment sites will attract the visitors. The sites associated with world wars that are in the city need to be improved and the entertainment sites associated with world war can be developed. Further since the city is associated more with art, the institutes may be developed in the area of art. In this way the tourist related to the studies will grow and thus the tourism in the city will be developed.


Beyrouty, K.E. & Tessler, A. (2013). The Economic Impact of the UK Heritage Tourism Economy. Available At: http://www.hlf.org.uk/aboutus/howwework/Documents/EcoImpactHeritageTourism2013.pdf Deloitte. (2013). Tourism: Job and growth: the economic contribution of the tourism economy in UK. Available At: http://www.visitbritain.org/Images/Final%20proof%2015%20Nov_tcm29-39296.pdf Ethnic group – Whitechapel (Ward). (2011). Neighbourhood Statistics. Office for National Statistics. Glinert, Ed (2000). A Literary Guide to London. London: Penguin. Page 256. Hall, R. (1996). English Heritage: Book of York (1st Ed.). B.T.Batsford Ltd. p. 13 Liverpool City Council - Liverpool Urban Design Guide. (2003). Opportunities, Threats and Management Issues. Available At: http://www.liverpoolworldheritage.com/Images/5MPlan_tcm111-127766.pdf Penrose, J. (2010). Government Tourism Policy. Department for Culture, Media & Sport. Available At: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/78416/Government2_Tourism_Policy_2011.pdf. BTEC HND Assignment Experts

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