BTEC Human Resource Management Assignment Help

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BTEC Human Resource Management Assignment Help
BTEC Human Resource Management Assignment Help
This BTEC Human Resource Management Assignment had been given for the unit HR Management of BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business course. This assignment is given in British Institute of Technology & E-Commerce.

Case Study

You have recently joined a company where you are working as an assistant Human Resource Manager. As part of your role you have been given a task from your senior HR Manager to provide training on the importance of HR role in an organisation to the trainees working in Human Resource Management department.

You are responsible to prepare a brief report and presentation on the role of human resource manager in order to provide guidance and train new starters.

You can select an organisation of your choice or you have worked with.

TASK 1: understand the difference between personnel management and human resource management

As an assistant HR manager, you are required to provide a brief introduction of human resource management in the company. Provide differentiation between HRM and personnel manager and how does personnel manager supports HRM functions. Provide trainees understanding of the key functions of HRM and their roles and responsibilities in the organisation. Also, consider the importance of related legislations and regulatory framework of human resource management in the organisation.

Learning Outcome 1: Criterion 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

Task 2: Understand how to recruit employees

On the basis that you have spent sufficient time to understand the organisation’s HR planning and the stages involved in the planning, you need to prepare a brief report analysing the reasons for HR planning in organisations and outlining the stages involved in planning HR requirements. Also, to make trainees understand the various recruitment and selection processes you are required to compare the recruitment and selection process of another organisation with those in your organisation and the effectiveness of the techniques used in for organisations in the report.

Learning Outcome 2 : Criterion 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4

Task 3: Understand how to reward employees in order to motivate and retain them

It is important to keep the employees motivated in the workplace. Provide a written report on the various motivational theories that underpin the importance of employees’ involvement at work. Evaluate the job evaluation process and effectiveness of reward system in the organisation. Also examine the effectiveness of employee performance monitoring methods and techniques in the organisations as part of your role.

Learning Outcome 3: Criterion 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4

Task 4: know the mechanism for the cessation of employment

It is very important to have knowledge about the mechanisms of employment termination. You are required to provide information about the reasons behind employment termination. Take an example of two organisations in order to explain their procedures for terminating employment. Also, consider the impact of regulatory framework on employment termination arrangements.

Learning Outcome 4: Criterion 4.1, 4.2, 4.3

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit.

The assessment criteria determine the standard required to PASS this unit. The assessment criteria will act as a guide to help you put into context your answers to fulfil the learning outcomes.

Learning Outcomes Assessment criteria
LO1: understand the difference between personnel management and human resource management 1.1  distinguish between personnel management and human resource management 1.2  assess the function of the human resource management in contributing to organisational purposes 1.3  evaluate the role and responsibilities of line managers in human resource management 1.4  analyse the Impact of the legal and regulatory framework on human resource management
LO2: Understand how to recruit employees 2.1 analyse the reasons for human resource planning in organisations 2.2 outline the stages involved in planning human resource requirements 2.3 compare the recruitment and selection process in two organisations 2.4 evaluate the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection techniques in two organisations
LO3: understand how to reward employees in order to motivate and retain them

3.1 assess the link between motivational theory and reward

3.2 evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay

3.3 assess the effectiveness of reward systems in different contexts



Human Resource Management is all about managing people in the organization in a disciplined and efficient manner which includes Recruitment and Selection,Training,Induction, assessment of employees, providing perks and compensation to employees,and maintaining proper relationship with the employees by providing them healthy and safe surroundings to work.

Modern Human Resource Management aims to maintain a healthy relationship between the management and the employees. Human resources are also called human capital for the company. Human resource manager is the one who has the responsibility of acquiring and developing the human resource for an organization.

Task 3

3.1 Assess the link between motivational theory and reward

Human resources are the most valuable assets for the organization and so it is very important and challenging to retain the best talented workforce of the company in order to maintain long term success of the business. Retaining best employees leads to effective production, increasing sales, customer satisfaction and healthy environment and success of business.

Retention of talented employees of an organization depends largely on the organization culture, its rewarding methods, and motivation methods. The effectiveness of Human Resource manager is also responsible for the retention of best employees. (PWC, 2012)

Loss of the talented employees costs an organization at a high rate and affects its productivity. So, it becomes essential for the business to keep their skilled workforce satisfied so as to create best working team in an organization. There are some methods to retain best talents in the organization (Smith, 2015):

  • Encourage the contribution made by employees.
  • Create a healthy working Environment.
  • Involve employee’s opinions in the management decisions.
  • Develop career opportunities for employees.
  • Conduct employee satisfaction survey at regular intervals.
  • Recognition to the employees in an organization
  • Rewarding better performances to create interest in the work.
  • Establish open communication within the organization.
  • Maintaining a proper work life balance for employees.
  • Provide Job security to employees.

Motivation to the employees is that characteristic which drives him to work harder and keep going to accomplish the organization’s goals. (GANTA, 2014). Motivated employees are creative, productive and have sense of involvement in them for the organization.

The two most popular theories for employee motivation are Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg’s two-factor model:

In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Abraham Maslow gave the key idea in 1954 that human needs have 5 levels and when one need is fulfilled, the person is then motivated to fulfill the higher level of need. The below given picture explains the Maslow’s model in which the basic need of individual are food and water, after attaining those, a person is motivated for safety needs and so on. And the same thing applies to the workplace.

 In Herzberg’s two-factor model, Herzberg felt that there are some conditions which are also known as hygiene factors; have to be created to create employee satisfaction.

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